CONFIRMED for the Part - New Artiste 'SAM'
Thu, 31 Mar 2011 10:39:12
Congratulations: New Model Sam Antonio (B0004501) is Confirmed for the Part for the STEERS TV Commercial - (Ev:E0002634)- Wardrobe Today- (Shoot: Night of 4th/5th April)
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Sam' (Ec:B0004501) being selected for Ev:E0002634~ STEERS- GIRL KISSING CALL Back!-
Wed, 30 Mar 2011 12:26:31
Results of the Casting on (PAST) Mon, 28Mar '11at 11:40am-, Samantha Antonio AKA 'Sam' was Selected On Option for CALLback for Final Shoot. The Character: '**** the KISSING GIRL ***white Pretty Girl 20-25yr. Must be Prepared to Kiss a (Strange)Guy. Wardrobe: Trendy.A Good looking girl who is prepared to kiss a guy. (11:40am)
In this ad we cut away to the featured extras in the middle of their own Hoohah moment, which will be shot in super slow motion. Therefore, I want all of them to be real, funny characters. They all have to have interesting quirks. That doesnt mean they must all be weirdos but we have to smile at their attitude in what theyre doing.' --- 'Sam' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. Well Done!-
New Featured Professional (PRO) Model - (Ec:B0004501) - *Samantha Antonio*-20yr~'Sam'. ~ New Pics Published.-
Wed, 30 Mar 2011 12:23:10
Professional (PRO)- Samantha Antonio AKA 'Sam' is featured this week. The Brown Eyed 159cm(5'2.6Gorgeous Model, Actress, Shot with PB recently- She is 'Bubbly, Outgoing, coonfident, witty and charming' - She has already Landed a TV Commercial Callback on Monday for today- AND is Featured THIS WEEK-
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