CASTING: 'DSTV (Premium) : The Wannabe DJ(20-40y) Role (SELECTED ONLY)'
Tue, 06 Nov 2018 13:05:00
<< [Published] ONLY for P-B Artistes. >Join<
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Dills' (Ec:A0003832) being selected for Ev:E0006605~ SPRITE: The Great Looking Guys(20-28y) Role CALL Back!
Fri, 02 Sep 2016 09:44:21
Results of the Casting on (Past) Thu, 25Aug '16at 1:30pm-, Dillan Park AKA 'Dills' was Selected On Option for CALLback for Final Shoot- as the Character cast!- 'Dills' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for CallBack. Well Done!
ShortListed for the Part: Well done 'Dills' (Ec:A0003832) being ShortListed for Ev:E0006548~ STREPSILS: The Weather Scene (Man)(20-30y) Role!
Wed, 10 Aug 2016 14:38:04
Results of the Casting on (Past) Tue, 02Aug '16at 12:15pm-, Dillan Park AKA 'Dills' was ShortListed for Final Shoot- as the Character cast!- 'Dills' impressed the Producers / Directors and is ShortListed. Well Done!
New Featured Professional (PRO) Model - (Ec:A0003832) - *Dillan Park*-20yr~'Mediteranean look'. ~ New Pics Published.
Wed, 20 Apr 2016 19:55:20
Professional (PRO)- Dillan Park AKA 'Dills' is featured this week. The Black (Dark Brown) Eyed 178cm (5ft 10.1in) Handsome Actor from Eldorado park, JHB, Shot with PB recently- He is 'Exciting, Can be hyperactive and entertaining' - AND Featured THIS WEEK-- -