Selection for the Part: Well done 'Aggy' (Ec:A0003784) being selected for Ev:E0006395~ AMSTEL MALTA: The Brides Mother Role OPTION!- -
Fri, 20 May 2016 14:56:09
Results of the Casting on (Past) Wed, 11May '16at 11:30am-, Agnes Kitavi AKA 'Aggy' was Selected On Option for CALLback for Final Shoot- as the Character cast!- 'Aggy' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. Well Done!
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Aggy' (Ec:A0003784) being selected for Ev:E0006076~ ROYCO: The Farmer’S Wife Role First Option!
Mon, 23 Nov 2015 12:01:49
Results of the Casting on (Past) Thu, 12Nov '15at 10:00am-, Agnes Kitavi AKA 'Aggy' was Selected On Option for Final Shoot- as the Character cast!- 'Aggy' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. Well Done!
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Aggy' (Ec:A0003784) being selected for Ev:E0005564~ MNET MOVIES: The NIGERIAN / KENYAN COUPLE Role(s) First Option!-
Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:36:29
Thu, 23Apr, 2015at 12:36: Results of the Casting on (Past) Wed, 22Apr '15at 10:00am-, Agnes Kitavi AKA 'Aggy' was Selected On Option for CALLback for Final Shoot. The Character: '*** The NIGERIAN / KENYAN COUPLE Role(s) *** BLACK MEN and WOMEN.35-45yrs old --- 'Aggy' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. Well Done!
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Aggy' (Ec:A0003784) being selected for Ev:E0005501~ ARIEL BOSS: The 'KENYAN' Roles CALL Back!
Wed, 01 Apr 2015 11:51:49
Wed, 1Apr, 2015at 11:51: Results of the Casting on (Past) Thu, 26Mar '15at 2:00pm-, Agnes Kitavi AKA 'Aggy' was Selected On Option for CALLback for Final Shoot. The Character: '*** The KENYAN Role(s) *** 1x Kenyan Swahili speaking Mother 40 55years1x Kenyan Swahili speaking Son 17 18years' --- 'Aggy' impressed the Producers / Directors and is Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. Well Done!-
SELECTED for the TV-SHOOT: Well done 'Aggy' (Ec:A0003784) being selected for Ev:E0005126~ Go-TV: The MOM Role PART--
Mon, 10 Nov 2014 19:26:48
Mon, 10Nov, 2014at 19:26: Artiste: Agnes Kitavi AKA 'Aggy' has been FINALLY Selected for Final Shoot !!: - **The Character: '*** The MOM Role *** 1X BLACK WOMAN 40 50YRS OLD NICE ATTRACTIVE WOMAN MOTHERLY STYLEWARDROBE to Casting: Dress as yr Part (above) would dress. NB - ALL CAST MUST BE PAN AFRICAN LOOKING '- --- 'Aggy' impressed the Producers / Directors and is about to SHOOT for the TV Part!! - Well Done! (Looking fwd to seeing you on TV... Whooohoo!)-
Selection for the Parts: Well done P-B Artistes ~ Go-TV:OPTIONS!-
Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:30:37
Tue, 4Nov, 2014at 15:30: Yellow Family: Daughter 1- #79- Marichan Prophy - Blue Family: - Mother 1- # 6- Agnes Kitavi - Mother 2nd option - #91- Lerato Mofokeng. - Daughter 1- #33- Bontle Lebotse -
Congratulations - WhiteStar Cast- - Seven P-B Artistes Land Whitestar Advert Roles:
Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:57:45
Tue, 26 Aug, 2014 at 14:57: Seven Platinum-Blue Artistes have Been selected for the Whitestar Commercial (E0004987)- Shoots towards the End of this week- Well Done All You guys- Cant wait to see you on TV - Whoohoo.
Selection for the Part: Well done FOURTEEN P-B Artistes being selected for Ev:E0004958~ WhiteStar: The Character Roles CALL Back!-
Tue, 19 Aug 2014 07:47:49
Well Done P-B artistes.
CallBack Today for the WhiteStar Commercial are:
Whitestar Restaurant Guests , Shisa Nyama, Wedding Guests Young Teens , Older Teens:
Well DOne !
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Aggy.' (Ec:A0003784) being selected for Ev:E0002927~ ROYCO Mchuzi Mix MOM Shoot
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 11:20:00
Mon, 5Dec, 2011at 11:20: Agnes Shoots in Cape Town on Wednesday - Flies 2mrw Shoots wed - and returns to JHB on Thurs. Character: '*** THE MOM ***1X Black Kenyan Lady 32-42Yrs She Is Not A Modelly Extremely Goodlooking Type She Is A Kind And Gentle Mother Who Cooks For Her Family Every Night And Knows Exactly What Good Food Tastes Like. .
Selection for the Part: Well done 'Aggy.' (Ec:A0003784) being selected for Ev:E0002927~ ROYCO Mchuzi Mix MOM - Strong Pencil- -
Thu, 01 Dec 2011 10:20:02
Results of the Casting on (PAST) Tue, 29Nov '11at 11:35am-, Agnes Kitavi AKA 'Aggy.' was Selected On Option for Final Shoot. The Character: '*** THE MOM ***1X Black Kenyan Lady 32-42Yrs She Is Not A Modelly Extremely Goodlooking Type She Is A Kind And Gentle Mother Who Cooks For Her Family Every Night And Knows Exactly What Good Food Tastes LikeWARDROBE: Dress as a MOTHER who is cooking for her children.
' --- 'Aggy.' impressed the Producers / Directors and is (STRONG) Pencilled in for an Option on the Part. If Final - she will fly to CapeTown Tues - Shoot Wed and return Thursday. Well Done!- -